Bruised injured knee from June 24, 2017 untill date 2022, post arthroscopic surgery, Yoshnika is recovering.
Sec86-Police Act violated by Vancouver Police Department Officers. The officers kicked Yoshnika with intent to injure her & career.
Section 88 of Police Act violated by Vancouver Police Department Officers
MCL, pes anserin tendons: Mild thickening of the MCL consistent with healed prior partial thickness tear. Mri report in March 2021- the consistent with healed prior partial thickness tear- was not mentioned in the 2017 MRI report. Had this medical malpractice not taken place in 2017, the mri report should have truly mentioned the fresh tear, the report did not, Yoshnika is suffering in pain, unable to put any weight on the injury, unable to walk since 2017 and is on cruthes at the moment. The Mcl Pes Anserine tendons is a rare injury caused only due to a hit and trauma in the region, it’s an MCL 2,3,4,5 type of injury which has to get fixed only by an EMERGENCY SURGERY WITHIN 14 days UPON DETECTION.
The surgeon did not bother mentioning nor discussing surgical options with Yoshnika nor with her parents during the consultation. Yoshnika is in search of a surgeon under private practise, will be off work until recovered from surgery.
Free medical health comes with a price to pay eh, especially in corruption racket such as this! Its now going to be 4 years this June 2021.
Upon returning in 2017 to Vancouver, Yoshnika decided to pull up police reports, about the Stalker VPD officer Tajinder Sangha and the night club rape incident.
Upon registering a few complaints about the negligence on behalf of the VPD officers to O.P.C.C.
While Yoshnika was out celebrating with her mother on Granville street, Yoshnika's mother being new to Vancouver, decided to approach the VPD officers for help.
"I was falsely arrested, humiliated in public and manhandled by VPD officers outside one of the nightclubs In front of a huge crowd, with my mom witnessing it. I was for no valid reason jailed for a night, where I was manhandled and assaulted inside the jail as well. Upon release they did not return my cell phone, threatened to throw me back in the cell if I insisted upon my cell phone. Obviously, I left. They handed me a ticket which stated that I was Intoxicated in public.
Post this I was locked out of my email which had evidence that would stand against the VPD in court proceedings. They intimidated, coerced and harrrassed my mother and I for obvious reasons."
Yoshnika walked out with bruises all over her face, arms, shoulder, legs, knees, a bleeding nose and mouth and a chipped tooth.
Yoshnika disputed the false allegations and ticket in the traffic court upon hearing her evidence, the judge came to a conclusion that she was not intoxicated, and the VPD officers did not have the right to use excessive force on a girl who weight 110 pounds.
This is now a civil claim matter.
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